Monday, January 25, 2010

Down 1, up 1

So today was my weigh in day and I lost 1 pound. Considering how bad my diet was last week, I'm pretty happy with that (thank goodness for all of the exercising I did). That means I have 12 pounds to go in order to reach my goal. I posted last week about getting into a rut and losing motivation. Well, I am going to really try to have a great week this week and see if I can push myself to lose that 12 pounds in the next 6 weeks. For me, that means cranking up the exercise and adding some extra "active" things like more walking the dog, etc. It also means watching what I eat. I'm still bad about tracking calories because most of what I eat I make and I don't feel like taking the time to go figure out how many calories are in each serving. It also means drinking more water. I am really awful at that. I don't drink pop or anything like that, but I drink coffee all day long.

Losing a pound is the "down 1" from the title. The "up 1" is the run I did this morning. I had already taken my normal 30-35 minute walk this morning, had gotten the kids off to school and done a little cleaning and I was ready to shower and get to work when I noticed my new running shoes. I decided to try them out and see if they helped with the shin splints. I didn't run a whole mile, but I made it farther than I did last time and the shin splints were better. I think that is just one of those things that I am going to have to keep working at and hope that it gets better.

I hope everyone else has a great week too! I'm ready to kick some serious booty this week. :)


  1. I'm glad the shin splints weren't as bad. Maybe the new running shoes are helping.

    Good job on the pound loss. I think you are going to kick some booty!

  2. COngrats on the weight loss!
