Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What a difference a day makes

I met some old friends from high school for happy hour tonight. A few months ago, I might not have wanted to go. I would have wanted to see them, but I would have been worried about what to wear, what didn't look too tight, etc. I might have gone, but I might not have. Instead of obsessing for hours about which pants don't make my butt look too big (forget it, the butt is big-LOL), I wound up going straight from work and didn't think about anything except how excited I was to see them (some of whom I hadn't seen in 20+ years).

OK, so the difference didn't come in a day, but the point is that it's coming. Losing weight is about more than the number on my scale. It's about feeling better about myself and regaining some of the confidence that I've lost over the years. I'm so glad that I started this journey because if I hadn't, I might have missed out on a wonderful experience. Over the years, I wonder how many of these moments I've missed. Probably too many. The next time I have an opportunity like this, I hope I'll remember the hours spent catching up, looking at pictures of everybody's kids and laughing so hard I almost fell out of my chair. Times like this, the random, miscellaneous, fun nights make some of the best memories. I'm looking forward to making some more!

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